
Dec 25 2022

6 Best Machine Learning Blogs

Mark Mila


Machine learning has been around for a while, but the explosion of big data has renewed interest in this field and more organizations are using ML models to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and uncover valuable insights from data. As a result, the C-suite and other business leaders are becoming increasingly interested in the potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning. To truly leverage the power of AI and ML, it is important to understand and trust these technologies. By reading authoritative blogs and connecting with others who have experience using these technologies, you can increase your understanding and comfort level with AI and ML and learn how to use them to your advantage.


1. Google AI 

Google has made significant contributions to the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence, so it is not surprising that they have a strong focus on ML research. ML and AI play a crucial role in many of Google's products and services, such as their search algorithms, Google Maps, and self-driving cars. Google shares its work and insights through posts on its research and the ways in which its technology is being used to drive AI innovation. 

2. OpenAI

OpenAI is a platform created by industry experts with the goal of making artificial intelligence more widely accessible. It is affiliated with the non-profit research company OpenAI, which is co-chaired by Elon Musk and Sam Altman and sponsored by companies such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, and Infosys. The contributors to OpenAI discuss their efforts to promote and advance AI technologies through long-term research. This is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the future of AI and the efforts being made to make this technology more widely accessible.

3. Machine Learning is Fun

Machine Learning is Fun is an excellent resource for beginners interested in learning about machine learning. The blog features interactive tutorials and practical examples that help readers understand the applications of ML in various businesses and industries. The author, Adam Geitgey, is a former software developer who now consults organizations on implementing machine learning. He believes that ML is crucial for the future of software and that developers should have a strong understanding of it, so he provides guides and techniques to help them develop their skills. This is a valuable resource for anyone looking to learn about machine learning and how it can be applied in practical situations.

4. Distill 

Distill is a platform that aims to make machine learning and artificial intelligence more accessible to a wider audience. It presents ML research in an interactive, visually appealing format that is easier to understand than traditional research papers. Distill serves as a platform for multiple authors to publish their work and the articles are peer-reviewed and appear in Google Scholar. The platform is also registered with the Library of Congress and CrossRef.

5. Machine Learning Mastery

Machine Learning Mastery is a blog created by Jason, a machine learning developer with several degrees in AI-related fields. The blog is intended for new developers who are just getting started in the field and covers a wide range of topics to accommodate different levels of expertise. Jason shares lessons he has learned during his professional journey and recommends the tools that have been most helpful to him. The blog, as well as the email course and newsletter, are designed to help amateur developers succeed in the field.

6. The BAIR Blog

The UC Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Department created this blog to share research findings and other important information about their work in AI. The blog covers a wide range of research topics, including natural language processing and robotics, and is written by grad students and faculty. The content is meant to be accessible to both experts and the general public.

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