
Dec 23 2022

Top 10 jobs will be replaced by AI

Adrew Ngo

Career Advice

It is difficult to predict with certainty which careers will be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI), as the impact of AI on the job market will depend on how it is implemented and the specific industries and occupations that are affected. However, some careers that may be more at risk of being automated or replaced by AI include:

  • Data entry clerks: AI can be used to quickly and accurately process large amounts of data, potentially replacing jobs that involve manual data entry.


  • Manufacturing workers: AI can be used to automate certain tasks in manufacturing, such as assembly line work or quality control.


  • Customer service representatives: AI chatbots and other AI-powered customer service tools can handle routine inquiries and tasks, potentially replacing jobs that involve answering customer questions or complaints.


  • Transportation workers: Self-driving vehicles and drones could potentially replace some jobs in the transportation industry, such as truck driving or delivery.


  • Data analysts: AI can be used to analyze large amounts of data and identify patterns, potentially replacing jobs that involve data analysis or research.


  • Telemarketers: AI-powered call centers could potentially handle routine sales calls, potentially replacing telemarketer jobs.


  • Retail salespersons: AI-powered kiosks and self-checkout systems could potentially handle routine sales tasks, potentially replacing retail salesperson jobs.


  • Cashiers: AI-powered kiosks and self-checkout systems could potentially handle routine cashier tasks, potentially replacing cashier jobs.


  • Accountants and auditors: AI can be used to analyze financial data and identify patterns and anomalies, potentially replacing some tasks in accounting and auditing.


  • Bank tellers: AI-powered kiosks and virtual assistants could potentially handle routine banking tasks, such as depositing checks or processing payments, potentially replacing bank teller jobs.


Again, it is important to note that AI is often used to augment and enhance human capabilities, rather than fully replacing them. Careers that require complex problem-solving, creativity, and human interaction are less likely to be fully replaced by AI. It is also worth noting that the impact of AI on the job market will depend on how it is implemented and the specific industries and occupations that are affected. Some experts predict that AI may lead to the creation of new job categories and industries, as well as the transformation of existing jobs.


Tags: which careers will be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI)
