Are we in the Wild West of data? Living in a world of unregulated data

October 06, 2023

Are we in the Wild West of data? Living in a world of unregulated dataDefined.aiIn our latest AI Talks in Rio panel discussion, “Are we in the Wild West of Data?”, we dive deep into the complexities and responsibilities of the unregulated data landscape. Moderator Ian Turner,, leads an enlightening conversation with Felipe Gutterres, Arara, Alex Winetzki, Woopi Stefanini about the pressing need to establish ethical AI and data practices. With a keen focus on the interplay between AI and sustainability, the panelists illuminate the urgency of decisive action in this era of the AI Revolution. This thought-provoking dialogue promises to give you valuable insights into the current state of AI and the path we should tread for a sustainable future.

The source of this news is from Defined AI