Spanish Rail Gets an Infrastructure Boost with switch monitoring from KONUX

March 20, 2024

A Boost for Spanish Rail InfrastructureBased on improving the strategy and maintenance activities, ADIF created the tender “Services for the Monitoring of Track Devices” with predictive maintenance. With a holistic view of the switch, KONUX proposed the KONUX Switch and KONUX Point Machine Health solutions to monitor the turnouts and their sensitive equipment, alert infrastructure managers of significant changes in asset health and ensure corrective maintenance effectiveness. The accuracy of both use cases – trackbed health monitoring and prediction, and frog health monitoring and prediction – has been confirmed through many years in the field. The KONUX system supports ADIF in making informed and data-driven decisions on its switch inspections, maintenance and replacement programs. With its innovative trackbed and frog monitoring and prediction capabilities, KONUX Switch offers real-time insights into the current and future condition of its infrastructure.

The source of this news is from Konux